Our company tracks the reasons families give for canceling therapy sessions so that we can uphold our attendance policy for recurring weekly appointments. When they call our office to cancel, we take note of the reason. However, when we use the Clinicsource automated system to remind patients of appts and they use the cancelation feature, we have no way to capture that data. Please consider adding a field to the cancellation option that requires them to give a reason for canceling therapy appts. This would help us more efficiently keep a consistent schedule.
We also decided to block ability to cx appt on patient portal for the same reason. Having to talk to office or the therapist improves consistent attendance.
We have found that making it easy to reply to an appointment reminder text with a cancellation request increases cancellations - I wish you could edit the text and note that "if you need to cancel the appointment, please contact our office" instead of an auto-reply.
This would be helpful for our clinic as well